Month: January 2021

Microsoft Edge is a better browser than Chrome in macOS

Monopoly in the long run always hurts consumers, and when there is competition, especially healthy competitions, it benefits consumers. This is the case in the browser war. If you are old enough you will remember the days when Microsoft has dominated the browser market and essentially …

Understand Windows Task Manager Memory Tab

Recently I upgraded my home workstation’s RAM from 16GB to 32GB. So, when would you know your workhorse is memory-bound? and how to know it’s in need to expand the memory size? Those are good questions and this inevitably leads to a need of proper interpretation …

Best Free Markdown Editors for Windows

Markdown, according to Wikipedia, is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. It’s widely used in many platforms for documentation pages and readme files. In fact, it’s a perfect format for creating websites, documents, notes, books, presentations, email messages, and technical …

Tour of Windows 10X on the Lumia 950XL (video)

We posted earlier on the work of hacking Microsoft’s latest desktop OS, Windows 10X, on the Lumia 950XL, and today hacker, Gustave Monce posted a 4-minute video on Twitter giving us a tour of the operating system. The stitched-together video can be seen below: Yesterday Gustave …

Windows 10X install image for Surface Pro 7 released

We reported earlier that Windows hacker ADeltaXForce had managed to install Windows 10X on his Surface Pro 7. This is a particular achievement because the OS is designed to be released only with specific hardware, rather than as a stand-alone OS. Now he has released an …

PSA: Telegram Chats Aren’t End-to-End Encrypted by Default

Telegram and Signal are widely popular privacy-focused messaging apps. However, the two apps have some big differences: While all messages sent via Signal are always end-to-end encrypted by default, Telegram messages aren’t. End-to-end encryption is an optional feature in Telegram. Why End-to-End Encryption Matters End-to-end encryption …