Month: December 2022

How to Get the Hammer in Harvestella

When you start a new farming game, there is almost always something annoying on the actual plot of land that is blocking your way or making it so that you cannot grow as many crops as possible. In Harvestella, there are small and big rocks all …

7 Most Essential Sims 4 Packs for New FTP Players

The Sims 4 base game went free-to-play a couple of weeks ago, bringing tons of new Simmers to the Sims community. Over the years, EA has added new features from Expansion Packs, Game Packs, and Stuff Packs to the base game. As a result, free-to-play Sims …

All Warzone Versus Warzone 2 Differences, Explained

Throughout the years, Call of Duty: Warzone has become a staple of the franchise due to its free-to-play experience and unique features. So, now that the next era is making its debut, fans have wondered about the differences between Warzone and Warzone 2. In this guide, …