ChatGPT prompt examples will help you get work done faster

chatgpt prompt examples

ChatGPT prompt examples will come to the AI tool as soon as next week, according to a new update list from OpenAI, the company behind the popular tool.

A blank page can be intimidating. At the beginning of a new chat, you’ll now see examples to help you get started.

Whenever you open a chat in ChatGPT, you’ll be greeted with prompt examples to help you find your way easier. OpenAI says the updates should start rolling next week, to the general public, including non-Plus users.

The ChatGPT prompt examples will appear automatically, so you don’t have to do anything to enable them. Bing Chat also has something similar in its creative mode, where the AI tool would come up with suggestions after each one of your inputs.

So, it seems the AI models are really here to make things easier for us.