Nintendo Switch eShop: How To Merge Funds From Wii U And 3DS Accounts

Now that the Nintendo eShop is up and running for the Switch, long-time Nintendo users may want to do start purchasing software onto their new console but they’ll want to merge their funds first.

Nintendo allows Nintendo Wii U and 3DS funds to be merged onto the Nintendo Switch through their individual Nintendo Account. If you don’t have a Nintendo Account, follow these steps to create one.

A system update for the Nintendo Switch will need to be installed first to allow online functions and access to the Nintendo eShop. If the Switch doesn’t ask you to update from the home menu, simply go to System Settings and then scroll all the way down to System and then System Update.

Once the system has been restarted, follow these steps to merge your funds:

  • Go to Nintendo eShop and log in using your Nintendo Account
  • Go to Add Funds (you’ll be asked if you want to merge your funds from a 3DS or Wii U)
  • After an explanation of how it works select Merge Funds
  • You’ll be asked to enter your password to confirm your identity
  • If entered correctly, a breakdown of your balance from your Nintendo Account and your Nintendo Network ID will appear. Select Merge Funds

And that’s it! Once you’ve merged your funds players will be able to add funds from your Switch to use on your 3DS or Wii U and conversely.

The implementation of the Nintendo Account lets users sync their accounts across all Nintendo consoles. This means that purchases made on the Wii U Virtual Console can be redownloaded onto the Switch, instead of users having to purchase the games over again on a new console.

As of the Switch’s release date, this function is not yet available but will likely arrive when the Nintendo online services begin charging this fall.

Have you merged your Nintendo Account funds on your Nintendo Switch yet? Have you made any eShop purchases for your Switch? Let us know in the comments section below.
