What is USB OTG and what can you use it for?

If you have an Android smartphone or tablet, you can actually do so much more with it than you can imagine. You can connect game controllers to play your favorite titles, either locally or via Project xCloud or other similar cloud gaming platforms. You can even …

Amazon Convinced Apple to Ban a Fake Review Detector App

Apple has removed Fakespot, a popular app that detects fake products reviews, from the iOS App Store. The takedown was initiated by Amazon, which complains that Fakespot’s new iOS app poses a security risk and misinforms customers. Fakespot has long been a staple of the browser-based …

How to Upgrade DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes Clusters

DigitalOcean’s Managed Kubernetes Service (DOKS) makes it quick and easy to get production-ready clusters running in the cloud. When you create a cluster, you can pick from the three latest Kubernetes minor releases. Here’s how to handle updates so you don’t get left behind on new …

Valve unveils Steam Deck, a handheld gaming PC powered by AMD

Valve, the company behind the popular Steam game distribution platform and maker of games like Counter-Strike and Half-Life, have unveiled Steam Deck, a handheld PC designed specifically for gaming. Steam Deck looks like the powerful cousin of Nintendo’s Switch, but the two devices cannot really be …

Mi 11 Lite Review: A Breeze of Fresh Air

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘Xiaomi’? A brand known for churning out some of the best performers in the smartphone industry? Right. But, things seem to be changing at Xiaomi as the brand announced one of the …