Fix Acer monitor no signal issue

A desktop computer and a monitor are connected with each other via a cable. Every input given to a computer is displayed on the monitor in the form such that a user can understand. The signal coming from the computer tells the monitor what to display. …

Seagate Announces FireCuda 530 PCIe 4.0 SSD at SG21

The gaming segment continues to experience rapid growth in the PC market, and we have seen PC component vendors come up with launch events specifically targeting gamers. Seagate’s inaugural Virtual Gaming Event (SG21) is the latest in this list, and the company is announcing its latest …

Fix Epic Games Launcher login errors on Windows 11/10

The Epic Games Launcher allows PC gamers to purchase and download games from the Epic Games Store – as well as provides chat functionality with other users. Gamers can also manage their game library. However, some users have reported that they are having problems logging into …

Qualcomm Announces Snapdragon 888+ 5G Speed Bin at 3GHz

Today for the first day of Mobile World Congress, Qualcomm is announcing its usual yearly mini-refresh of its flagship Snapdragon SoC in the form of the new Snapdragon 888+. As in the previous few generations, right around the summer period, Qualcomm is taking advantage of the …

How to Clone a Hard Drive on Windows 11/10

Backup is an important part for anyone who uses a computer, but there are times when we need to clone the drive for various reasons. While there is no direct feature to clone a hard drive in the Disk Management tool, another method can still be …