Sony Extra Bass SRS-XB43 review: Plug-in disco

When we first plugged in the Sony XB43 it winked and flashed its lights at us. Hold up, isn’t this a speaker? Yes, but Sony’s Extra Bass range goes a step further in providing a disco-tastic array to go along with your tunes. Herein, we suspect, …

Dell G5 (5500) review: Rainbows and sunshine?

The Dell G5 is the kind of laptop you might buy if you can’t, or don’t want to, afford an Alienware gaming machine. It still has some gamer design traits and stacks of power. But as build quality isn’t given the same attention, the Dell G5 …

Fujifilm X-T4 review: The mirrorless boss?

The long-standing Fujifilm X-T series has in the past set the benchmark for being the mirrorless camera to beat all others. Indeed, the X-T3 won Best Camera in the 2019 Pocket-lint Awards. Now there’s a new kid in town: the Fujifilm X-T4. But does this latest …

Microsoft Surface Headphones 2 review: King of comfort

With its first ever headphones released back in 2018 Microsoft impressed with its considered functionality and decent sound quality. The sequel – the orginally titled Microsoft Surface Headphones 2 – brings all that was good about the original cans, but boosts the battery, introduces a new …