View and Modify Your Monitors Settings with ControlMyMonitor

ControlMyMonitor is a free portable tool from NirSoft that allows you to view and modify the settings of your monitors, including brightness, contrast, sharpness, red/green/blue color balance, color presets, etc. It works on any version of Windows, from Windows Vista and all the way to Windows …

Memory Cleaner for Windows

Windows manages the memory usage quite efficiently without any user intervene but there might still be some room left to improve. And that’s why a lot of System Tuning Utilities out there are still making options to clean up the RAM to make your PC run …

Microsoft launches new Azure Location Based Services

Microsoft last night announced new Azure Location Based Services that will allow you to add maps, search, routing, and traffic capabilities to your apps with geospatial services APIs that integrate seamlessly with other Azure tools and services. These new services will be available in early December. …