Fix Windows Update error 0x80244007 on Windows 10

  Windows Update errors aren’t uncommon. Some are easy to resolve, while others need a lot of time and research towards resolutions. One such tough to fix case is with Windows Update Error 0x80244007. This error simply halts the Windows Update process and restarting the system …

Handbrake Video Transcoder 1.2.1 Released (Ubuntu PPA)

Handbrake video transcode 1.2.1 was released a few days ago with numerous bug-fixes and improvements. Handbrake 1.2.1 release highlights: Fixed potential crashes due to use of uninitialized variables Improved minimum duration to only apply to DVD and BD sources Fixed incorrect video rotation where rotation flagged …

Windows 10 Timeline Extension for Google Chrome

If you are a Chrome user who also pays attention to Windows 10’s Timeline, you are probably disappointed as none of your Chrome activities have been recorded. You may also wonder why. It’s simply because there is no bridge between the two services. Well, this has …