‘Summon Rush’ Beginner’s Guide: Tips To Win In Battle, Summon The Best Creatures & Get Gems

Summon Rush released on iOS and Android last week, so we thought it might be helpful to put together a guide for beginners. Want to win battles, summon great Creatures and get tons of Gems? These tips should get you started.


Summon Rush is an RPG very much in the vein of popular hero-collecting games like Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes. Players are offered a small team of Creature cards that are put into battle by a Summoner. The Summoner is your main hero with a special ability, and they send Creatures to defend themselves. The main goal of each match is to kill your opponent’s Summoner.

To unlock more Creatures, you need to either purchase them using Gems at the shop or by collecting a minimum amount of Summon Stones for each character. Summon Stones are earned in battle.


Summon Rush has a multitude of modes, but they all operate on the same basic ideas. Some of these modes will be restricted when you first start, but you’ll gain access to them as you level up your account.

summon rush apk ios map guide cheats hacks decks game modes The map of ‘Summon Rush’ shows its various gameplay modes and offers plenty of opportunity for reward collection.

  • Adventure : This is the main mode you’ll be spending most of your time in. It’s a standard single-player campaign. After a few levels, you’ll unlock the Hero Adventure tab. These matches are generally more difficult, but they offer stones that unlock Creatures. All Adventure battles have an increasing energy cost.
  • PvP Arena : This mode can be played five times each day. Cards and spells are used automatically and battles aren’t in real time.
  • Daily Dungeons : These limited battles are specifically tied to weekdays or weekends. They can only be attempted a limited number of times.
  • Training Ground : Battle against an unkillable boss to quickly raise stats and earn rewards. Players are limited to a certain number of tries.
  • Summoning Training Ground : In this mode, Summoners are not used and Creatures are gone when they die. When you have no more moves, you can manually reset the board once per day. Use lots of low-cost Creatures to earn big rewards.


In Summon Rush, players have groups of at least four Creature cards led by a single Summoner. Creatures have specific Mana values. The higher the value, the longer you must wait to use it. Typically, high-value Mana cards are more powerful, but you’ll need low-level ones to establish a consistent rush.

summon rush apk ios battle screen cheats hacks guide best creatures Battle in ‘Summon Rush’ is dictated by Creature decks. Use differing card types to exploit the weaknesses of your foes.

When a Creature dies, a few remaining cards are rotated in. Creatures have special abilities, called Battlecry skills, that offer unique buffs. When a Battlecry can be used, the card’s image will change. Just tap the card to perform it.

Beyond those basic mechanics, combat rests on a simple premise.

  • Fire cards [Red] are stronger against Earth cards [Green]
  • Earth cards [Green] are stronger against Water cards [Blue]
  • Water cards [Blue] are stronger against Fire cards [Red]
  • Light cards [Yellow] and Dark cards [Purple] are strongest against each other

So, there are two main paths to victory for beginners. If your Creatures are leveled up high enough compared to your opponent’s, these elemental advantages won’t matter. However, if stats are closely matched, you’ll want to build a deck that counters what the enemy has.

In many modes, you’ll see a list of appearing Creatures prior to each battle. Does your foe have a three-star Fire card? Maybe you’re better off pushing some extra water into your deck. Depending on how much time or money you want to invest, general success mandates having enough Creatures to fit a multitude of situations.

Aside from that, you’ll also quickly learn that certain Creatures are best suited to occupy roles like healers, tanks or attackers.


The leveling system is almost identical to other games crafted in this mold.

summon rush apk ios best gear cheats hacks guide tier list Gear is essential to making all of your ‘Summon Rush’ Creatures as strong as possible. Keep farming for XP, upgrades and skill points to make a strong crew.

Leveling : In traditional RPG style, Creatures level up in battle. However, you can also use commonly collected items, like Capsules Of Growth or Potions Of Growth, to give Creatures XP as well. To do that, tap the small + sign next to the Creature’s level meter in its character screen.

Gear : Gear is earned in battle and purchased at the Magic Store. It offers small buffs when equipped on Creatures. When you’ve found a piece of gear that a Creature can use, you’ll be notified by the app. For simplicity’s sake, just enter the Character menu, tap the card you want to augment and hit the “auto-equip” button at the top of the gear list.

Once you’ve collected the right gear, you can tap the upgrade button to provide an overall stat buff and unlock new Battlecry abilities. However, it should be noted that gear upgrades cost increasing amounts of Gold as the Creature gets stronger.

Skill Points : Once you’ve upgraded your gear and XP, you’ll also earn skill points that buff your Creature’s Battlecry. Just head to the skill tab and tap the + sign to allocate any points you get.

Evolution : Every card in Summon Rush has a star level ranging from one star to three stars. Three-star characters get a larger stat buff with each of the above enhancements, so that makes them stronger. To evolve a Creature you’ve unlocked, you must collect a certain amount of Summon Stones for that character or use a special evolution item.


The two main currencies you’ll be getting are Gold and Gems. as explained above, Gold is chiefly used for Creature upgrades while Gems are often a way to unlock new Creatures. Here are the various ways to stock up on currency for free.

summon rush apk ios achievements play store cheats hacks guide tips ‘Summon Rush’ has a bunch of achievements and daily rewards to unlock. Completing them will shower beginners in Gold and Gems.

  • Achievements : Tied to specific account milestones, achievements are not timed. Make sure to claim achievements as you earn them to get your rewards.
  • Daily Missions : The same as achievements, but they are earned daily. If you log in regularly, you’ll be given more currency and even free Creatures. You must manually claim mission rewards too.
  • Postbox : Small rewards are dropped off here as well. Look for the indicator on the map screen. Tap the individual post and hit receive to get the rewards.
  • Event Rewards : Event rewards can be claimed by tapping the small trumpet icon at the top of the map screen.

If you want to maximize your currency, you need to look at the achievements and missions in your list. Finding ways to stack them as much as possible will level you up and make you rich.


  • If you want to play for free, you need to realize that you’re not going to unlock all of the Creatures. Once you have a balanced team that you like, just dump all your currency into leveling.
  • Don’t forget to check your item inventory at the map screen. You may have earned a Creature summon or evolution item that you don’t know about.
  • Summoning Training Ground is best suited for at least six low-mana Creatures. The less Mana you use, the bigger the haul.
  • Don’t unlock every Creature as soon as you’re able. If they don’t compliment your roster, you can use the Summon Stones to trade for something else.
  • All varieties of Tokens from PvP, Summoning Training Ground and Guild are probably best exchanged for Summon Stones when you have the option to do so at the Magic Shop.
  • The first card placed in battle is easily the most important. It sets the tone for everything afterward. If you’re opponent starts with a ranged attacker, maybe save up to bust in with a tank and kill it. Fast moves aren’t always the best ones.
  • In early game, it’s sometimes smart to wait and use multiple Battlecry skills at once. With both buffs active, you can easily vanquish your enemy.
  • When you’ve leveled up a good deck, be sure to go back and three-star any Adventure missions you didn’t do so well on the first time.
  • In Adventure, you can use the Quick Clear feature on any battles you’ve earned three stars. This is an especially good way to farm for XP items or specific Summon Stones. Check out the possible obtainable rewards so you know which matches to focus on.
  • When you’ve run out of Quick Clear attempts, use the fast-forward feature in the top left of the battle screen. This will at least make it faster to get your reward.
  • Don’t spend too many Gems (or any) on Creature packs. The prices are currently too high to warrant doing so.
  • When you start getting to high levels, you must be judicious about Creature upgrades. If you’re not careful, you’ll run out of Gold fast.

Summon Rush is available now as a free download for Android and iOS.

What do you think of the tips in this Summon Rush guide? Do you plan on spending more time to get more Creatures? Tell us in the comments section!
