Category: Linux

Linux FAQ resource and tutorials.Basic Linux tutorials. Contains usual commands,scripts, installations instructions and configuration examples.

What is WireGuard? Why Linux Users Going Crazy Over it?

From normal Linux users to Linux creator Linus Torvalds, everyone is in awe of WireGuard. What is WireGuard and what makes it so special? What is WireGuard? WireGuard is an easy to configure, fast, and secure open source VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. It’s aim is …

PaperWM, the Tiling Window Manager for GNOME

Lately, tiling window managers have been gaining popularity even among the regular desktop Linux users. Unfortunately, it can be difficult and time-consuming for a user to install and set up a tiling window manager. This is why projects like Regolith and PaperWM has come up to …

Syncthing: Open Source P2P File Syncing Tool

  Usually, we have a cloud sync solution like MEGA or Dropbox to have a backup of our files on the cloud while making it easier to share it. But, what do you do if you want to sync your files across multiple devices without storing …