Category: System Admin

Top 10 Best Music Players for Linux in 2022

While many of us rely on music streaming services, several users prefer to use the good-old music player on their Linux system. Of course, you already get a music player program pre-installed with every Linux distribution. However, depending on your requirements, you might want to try …

How to Install Pamac GUI Package Manager in Arch Linux

Pamac is the package manager of Manjaro based on libalpm which also supports Appstream, AUR, Flatpak and Snaps. Being an alternative to pacman it focuses on providing an easy-to-use interface whether it is GUI or CLI. Arch Linux relies on the pacman commands for package management. …

How to translate text on a photo on iPhone

It wasn’t long ago that if you wanted to translate something in a photograph, you would need to copy down the text and either head to Google Translate or talk to a person who speaks that language. But Apple has simplified this process with the introduction …

How to stop email read receipts in Apple Mail

Back in 2001, Macworld writer Deborah Shadovitz explained an in-progress standard for email messages called “Return-Receipt,” the name based in part on a line sent in the metadata portion of the message by your email software. Instead of becoming a standard and routine part of email …

How to Add Months to a Date in Microsoft Excel

Want to see what date it will be after you’ve a certain number of months have passed? Using Microsoft Excel’s EDATE function, you can add (or subtract) months to a specific date in your spreadsheets. Here’s how to use it. How the EDATE Function Works In …