Category: Windows 11

3 Ways To Enable Dark Mode In Windows 11

The dark mode is a boon for computer users, particularly those who work at night or in a low-lit room. Therefore, if you use your PC in a dark room or at night, you should immediately enable the dark mode to reduce eyestrain. By default, the …

How To Turn Off The Startup Sound In Windows 11

PC users are not new to startup or boot sound. Windows 7 and earlier versions played a chime when you turned on your PC. The startup sound, although present in Windows 8 and Windows 10, was disabled by default. In Windows 11, the startup sound is …

How To Enable Screen Saver In Windows 11

With default settings, the screen saver is turned off in Windows 11 as screen savers are not required on modern PCs. Screen savers were initially introduced to avoid screen burn-in (in Cathode Ray Tube displays) due to cumulative non-uniform use of display pixels. Since screen savers …

How to Choose Your Microphone on Windows 11

While using Windows 11, you might need to switch audio inputs between several microphones connected to your PC. Luckily, Windows makes the process fairly easy. Here’s how to do it. Switch Microphones from a Taskbar Shortcut One of the quickest ways to select a different microphone …