Tag: emoji

Use Emoji In Windows 10 With WinMoji

  Windows 10 desktop users are often deprived of using emojis wherever they want. Yes, dekstop users can use emojis of facebook, gmail straight from the app but if they try to use emojis in other websites or desktop applications, they have a handful of emojis …

How To Use Emoji Natively on Windows 10

Emoji is getting so popular that how Windows 10 can miss the ride. Believe it or not, according to Emojipedia’s changelog, it even supports middle finger Emoji at one point. Windows 8 was the first version of Windows that supports Emoji out of the box but …

Emoji Picker GNOME Extension

Emoooooji You folks must think that I’m obsessed with Emoji, but you’d be …No, you’d be absolutely right about that. Actually, I don’t overuse the popular pictorial glyphs that dominate daily communication. But I do appreciate being able to find the one I want to use …

Samsung AR Emoji: It Almost Looks Like Me, I Guess

BARCELONA, ESP – One of the ‘innovations’ of the latest generations of smartphones have been interactive avatars that devolve into emoji. By using a bit of photography and some real-time face mapping, users on certain devices can create mini-avatars of themselves or emulate other non-humanoid avatars. …

How To Create Your Own Emoji

Emoji are fun to use for nearly any occasion, and while there seems to be an endless number to pick from, learning to create your own emoji is the best way to get exactly what you want. Because let’s face it, sometimes there just isn’t an …

KDE Plasma 5.18 Makes It Easier to Enter Emoji

KDE Plasma desktop users will soon find it easier to browse and enter emoji characters in Qt-based apps. A brand new emoji picker tool is currently in development for KDE Plasma 5.18. This smorgasbord of smilies will be accessible through a meta + . key binding …

OpenMoji is an Open Source Emoji Set That Looks Awesome

If you’re looking for an open source emoji set to use in your next dev project, look no further than OpenMoji. OpenMoji is an open source emoji library licensed under Creative Commons that’s totally, absolutely, and completely free to use. And I think it looks terrific! …