Tag: minecraft

How To Allocate More RAM To Minecraft

Despite its low graphical style and relatively simplistic gameplay, Minecraft can be an intensive application. There’s a lot going on in the background, especially if you start playing around with redstone-heavy builds. If you throw mods into the mix, the standard amount of RAM Minecraft needs …

Can’t login to Minecraft with VPN? Try this easy fix

Many Minecraft players have complained that they can’t connect to the Mojang servers with a VPN. Mojan has stated that Minecraft doesn’t support VPNs, but didn’t say why. There’s a bunch of reasons why Minecraft might block users who are trying to connect to the game …

Minecraft hints at possible Dungeons delay

Minecraft hints at possible Dungeons delay The Minecraft Dungeons team is hard at work putting the finishing touches on Minecraft Dungeons for release in April 2020. However, due to the coronavirus outbreak, Minecraft Dungeon’s release might be pushed back. The Minecraft Dungeon team announced on Twitter, …