Tag: files

How To Hide Files In a JPG Picture

If your computer is used by multiple users, you’ve likely had the need to hide certain files on your computer. There are many ways to do that and one of them is to hide your files in a JPG picture. You can actually embed your files …

Using Files and Folders on Desktop Screen in Ubuntu

This beginner tutorial discusses a few difficulties you may face while adding files and folders on the desktop screen on Ubuntu. I know a few people who are habitual of putting all the important/frequently used files on the desktop screen for quick access. I am not …

Using Files and Folders on Desktop Screen in Ubuntu

This beginner tutorial discusses a few difficulties you may face while adding files and folders on the desktop screen on Ubuntu. I know a few people who are habitual of putting all the important/frequently used files on the desktop screen for quick access. I am not …

How To Find Large Files In Linux Ubuntu

How to list top 10 files in Linux Ubuntu. Know about the command to find large files in Linux Ubuntu. On Linux, users can find largest files in directory in human readable format. Read below to find how: Open Terminal and type the following command to …