Tag: ppa)

Desktop Planetarium Stellarium 1.0 Released! [Ubuntu PPA]

After more than 20 years of development, the popular planetarium ‘Stellarium’ finally reached 1.0 release. Stellarium 1.0 is the first released ported to Qt6 framework, though Qt5 is still supported! It features: A new, much better skylight model, but MacOS and OpenGL ES2 not supported. Many …

Pandora Client Pithos 1.5.1 Released [Ubuntu PPA]

Pithos, native Pandora Radio client for Linux, released version 1.5.1 a day ago with minor bug-fixes and improvements. Pithos is much more lightweight than the Pandora.com web client, and integrates with desktop features such as media keys, notifications, and the sound menu. The latest v1.5.1 release …

Pale Moon Web Browser 28.14 Released [Ubuntu PPA]

Pale Moon, an open-source Goanna-based web browser, released version 28.14.0 (and 28.14.1 with quick fix) with stability and security improvements. Pale Moon 28.14.0 release highlights: Updated the browser identity code for website security to more clearly indicate website status. Updated unofficial branding to be more generic …

Stellarium 0.20.3 Released with Tons of Changes [Ubuntu PPA]

Free-software planetarium Stellarium 0.20.3 was released a day ago with numerous changes. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04 via PPA. Stellarium 0.20.3 fixed nutation and, with it, season beginning times, included many changes in AstroCalc tool, Oculars and Satellites plugins, and updated …

Kdenlive 20.08 Released with New Interface Layouts [Ubuntu PPA]

Kdenlive, KDE Non-Linear Video Editor, released version 20.08 today with nifty new features, stability and interface improvements. Kdenlive 20.08 release highlights: New interface layouts. Multiple audio stream support A new cache management interface to maintain / control the size of cached and proxied files as well …

Gscan2pdf reached 1.8.8 with some fixes (Ubuntu PPA)

Gscan2pdf, a simple GUI tool to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents, reached the new 1.8.8 release a few hours ago with some bug-fixes and translation updates. Changes in Gscan2pdf 1.8.8 include: Filter out 1 and 2 digit integers from tool warnings. Show original message, …

Gscan2pdf reached 1.8.8 with some fixes (Ubuntu PPA)

Gscan2pdf, a simple GUI tool to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents, reached the new 1.8.8 release a few hours ago with some bug-fixes and translation updates. Changes in Gscan2pdf 1.8.8 include: Filter out 1 and 2 digit integers from tool warnings. Show original message, …