Tag: server

Help Test the New Ubuntu Server Installer

Got much planned this weekend? I only ask because Canonical’s server bods are currently looking for wily folks to help them test an improved version of the new Ubuntu Server installer. Subiquity Ubuntu Server 18.04 debuts an all-new installer experience called ‘Subiquity‘, which you can see …

Connecting to a Nextcloud server on GNU/Linux

I’m sure by this point, it’s no question what ‘cloud storage’ is, essentially a file locker on a remote machine. We are at least mostly familiar with famous brands such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or Dropbox; but slowly more and more people are starting to …

Default Code Integrity policy for Windows Server

After Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC, formerly known as Code Integrity) was released in Windows Server 2016, I wrote a blog post on it, it was a very effective way to do application whitelisting, and get secure! When engaging with customers to get their feedback and …

HPE revenues rise fulled by server and network sales

  Revenues surged to $7.67 billion, well above the $7.07 billion expected Hewlett Packard Enterprise, or HPE, saw its shares soar up by as much as 19% in its first quarter financial results thanks to growth in the firm’s servers and networking arm. Despite the aformentioned …