Tag: Ubuntu

How To Install Iridium Browser on Ubuntu

Iridium is a Chromium-based browser that focused on privacy and security. It disabled many Google features/services by default (e.g. changing the search to Qwant), block third-party cookies, added more latest technologies (like WebRTC), with more security enhancements. It’s an entry on FSF Directory that replace Chromium. …

How To Install Ramme Instagram Client on Ubuntu

Ramme is an free, unofficial Instagram desktop client for GNU/Linux. It’s available for Ubuntu. For now, Ramme is officially available only for 64-bit (as .deb and .appimage formats). Here is how to download & install it. Note: if you are a programmer, Ramme is now looking …

How To Install OnlyOffice 4.2 in Ubuntu

Please welcome OnlyOffice Desktop, a free office suite (GNU AGPL) with beautiful interface and support for both LibreOffice & Microsoft document formats, available for GNU/Linux. It has word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation programs. The source code is available at GitHub and it also has a server …

How to Install FFmpeg 3.3 in Ubuntu 16.04, 14.04

This quick tutorial is going to show you how to install the latest FFmpeg multimedia library 3.3 “Hilbert” in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04 via PPA. FFmpeg 3.3 “Hilbert” is a new major release that features: Apple Pixlet decoder NewTek SpeedHQ decoder QDMC audio decoder PSD (Photoshop …

Ubuntu GNOME merged into mainline Ubuntu

Ubuntu has been using the Unity environment developed by Caonical Ltd. since the netbook edition of Ubuntu 10.10, initially released on June 9, 2010. However, it has been decided that the Unity environment would no longer be the standard environment used for the popular GNU/Linux distro. …

Install Corebird 1.5 Twitter Client On Ubuntu 17.04

Corebird GTK+3 Twitter Client for Linux Ubuntu released. Here’s how to install Corebird 1.5 on Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.04 and others. Corebird GTK+3 Twitter Client brings various new updated and features. The media attached to tweets can be downloaded using Right Click and selecting “save as”. …

First Steps After Getting an Ubuntu VPS

    Got a new Ubuntu VPS? That’s great. You can now start using it and experience all the advantages of a Linux VPS. If you moved from shared hosting to a VPS, even better, you can now directly compare your experience with shared hosting and …

Install Krita 3.1.3 via Lime Road PPA in Ubuntu 17.04

How to install Krita 3.1.3 via Lime Road PPA in Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.04 and other Ubuntu Derivatives. Krita is an open source painting program for Linux Ubuntu Systems. Krita 3.1.3 release announcement said: “Today we’re proud to release Krita 3.1.3. A ton of bug fixes, …

Install Android Studio 2.3.1 On Ubuntu Linux via PPA

How to install Android Studio 2.3.1 in Ubuntu Linux via PPA. Android Studio is the official IDE for Android, for Linux Ubuntu Systems. Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device. It features a world-class code editing, debugging, performance …

How To Install Oracle Java On Ubuntu 17.04

How to install Oracle Java on Ubuntu 17.04. Linux Ubuntu uers can easily install Java 8/9 or JDK/JRE on Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.04 and other Ubuntu Derivatives. Install the Default JRE or JDK on Ubuntu To install the Default JRE or JDK on Ubuntu Systems, first …