Tag: wordpress

12 Analytics Plugins for WordPress

With the right analytics plugin, a WordPress ecommerce merchant can access extensive data to track visitors and discover what they like and what they don’t, to convert more visitors. Here is a list of analytics plugins for WordPress. There are solutions to track visitors, create page …

How to Configure WordPress to use a Remote Database

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. When your WordPress CMS grows in traffic and you have outgrown your current server resources, a professional solution is to host your database on a separate database server. With this solution, you …

How to (Safely) Add Code to functions.php in WordPress

  Scouring the Internet for solutions to WordPress problems will inevitably bring you to sites that ask you to insert some piece of code or the other into functions.php. If you’re new to WordPress, this can be a confusing thing. By default, WordPress doesn’t have any …

11 WordPress Plugins for Customer Support

Offering support throughout your shoppers’ purchase experience is a good way to ensure their return. If you have a WordPress site, there are a variety of customer-support plugins to help. Here is a list of plugins for customer support on WordPress. There are plugins to provide …

How To Backup A WordPress Site On Linux

Given that WordPress is the most popular blogging software in the world, many users expect there to be an easy, backup system built into it. Sadly, there isn’t, so users who want to backup a WordPress site, will have to do it manually. SQL Database A …

How to Enable GZIP Compression in WordPress

    One of the first solutions to achieve faster load times of your WordPress CMS is to decrease the size of your page.The simplest method to reduce the size of your website, and improve the time to first render of your web pages, is to …