Category: Technology News

Snapchat For Web Is Here (No Phone Needed)

After almost a decade of wait, Snapchat is now finally available as a web app! Yes, you read that right, Snapchat For Web is now a thing. Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms that has definitely stood the test of time. Sadly, …

SATAn Hack Uses SATA Cable As An Antenna To Steal Data

Security researchers at the Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel have published a paper illustrating how a hacker can steal data and sensitive information from an “air-gapped system” through a Serial ATA (SATA) cable and transfer it from a …

Sony Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over PS5 Game Crashes

Sony Interactive Entertainment is facing a class action lawsuit after it allegedly violated state and federal consumer law in the case of a defective PlayStation 5 (PS5) video game system. According to the lawsuit filed on July 12 by Christina Trejo against Sony Corporation of America …