Category: upgrade

Ubuntu 12.04 Reaching End of Life This Week

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is reaching the end of life on 28th April 2017. If you or your organization is using Ubuntu 12.04, it is time to plan your upgrade. You might already be aware that there are two types of release with Ubuntu: long-term support (LTS) …

Managing Linux Kernel Upgrades In Debian

Brief: This article explains the steps to upgrade Linux kernel in Debian. It also provides you a few tips and some trivia around kernel management in Debian Linux. While upgrading Linux Kernel in Ubuntu is slightly easier thanks to some graphical tool, I as a Debian …

How to Upgrade to Ubuntu 17.04 from Ubuntu 16.10

This is a quick tip for Ubuntu 16.10 desktop users how to upgrade to Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus. Before getting started, you need to do some preparations: 1. Always make a backup of important data, bookmarks, and other user documents. 2. Remove or disable third-party repositories. …