Watch Case Western Reserve University remote learn anatomy using the HoloLens 2

We reported two weeks ago on a project by the Case Western University intended to help their first-year medical students continue their education even though they were not able to attend classes.

The university sent out 185 HoloLens 2 headsets that can be used to help teach human anatomy virtually to students using HoloAnatomy app.

Today they published a video showing how the project is going:

Case Western Reserve University has been in the forefront of developing educational applications based on the HoloLens, recently for example a Holographic Brain Atlas which can serve as “the foundation for a new holographic neurosurgical navigation system”.

While the $3500 may seem pricy as an educational tool, this of course pales into insignificance compared to the full cost of a medical education, and may allow students to continue their studies even in these troubled times.