Month: January 2023

HTC Vive XR Elite VR headset: Everything you need to know

HTC is constantly evolving its line-up of virtual reality headsets, with an expanding range that includes both enterprise-grade VR headsets and consumer-level devices too. The company has been known for crafting some seriously high-end PC-tethered devices including the likes of the HTC Vive Pro 2, but …

HTC’s New Vive XR Elite VR Takes on Meta Quest Pro

After a quick teaser image in October, HTC just announced and released its all-new virtual and augmented reality headset, the Vive XR Elite. The all-in-one headset looks to take on the Meta Quest Pro, combines MR and VR into one device, and offers a lightweight yet …

The Withings U-Scan Has a Thankless Job

Withings, a company known for its smart health and fitness products, has revealed a new piece of technology at CES 2023: a miniature urine analysis lab dubbed the “U-Scan” that clips into your toilet. What your body expels as waste is often quite revealing, and its …