5 Things to Do After Beating Hogwarts Legacy (Post Game/End Game)

Hogwarts Legacy is a massive game in its own right, and the best part is, there are still a few things to do even after you’ve beaten the game and unraveled the Goblin conspiracy. The post-game content isn’t quite as in-depth or expansive as other RPGs we’ve seen in the past, but here are five things to do after beating Hogwarts Legacy.

Complete The House Cup Quest

hogwarts legacy great hall
Image Source: WB Games via Twinfinite

After completing the lengthy campaign of Hogwarts Legacy, there’s still more to do. You’ll notice a new notification in your Quests tab, indicating a brand new quest titled Weasley’s Watchful Eye. Taking on this quest will unlock the true, final quest of the game, The House Cup.

Do note that this quest has a level requirement of 34, and if you’ve been ignoring all your side quests and challenges in favor of the main story, you may want to revisit some of those. Completing The House Cup will unlock the game’s true ending, serving as the perfect cap to your magical adventure.

Clear All Side Quests

questing in hogwarts legacy
Image Source: WB Games via Twinfinite

Speaking of side quests, Hogwarts Legacy has a crap ton of them. I mean, they’re littered all over the world. In Hogwarts, in Hogsmeade, even on the random paths you walk past on your way to the next little settlement.

All of these quests help to flesh out the world even further, while introducing you to new characters and interesting locales. They’re also a fantastic source of gear, cosmetics, and experience, just in case you’re still looking to complete your build.

Complete All Challenges

trait collection in hogwarts legacy
Image Source: WB Games via Twinfinite

If side quests aren’t your thing, or if you’re just not interested in getting to know the denizens of Hogwarts Legacy, why not try your hand at the challenges instead? The Challenges tab of your journal houses plenty of cosmetic and trait rewards to collect, and also task you with completing a variety of objectives ranging from combat to exploration.

You’ll be forced to perform some incredible feats in combat, and this could be a fun way to discover new spell combos you’d never even thought of before.

Nab All the Collectibles

hogwarts legacy floo flames
Image Source: WB Games via Twinfinite

Of course, it wouldn’t be an open-world game without a staggering amount of collectibles for you to collect. We’re talking cosmetics, Demiguise Statues, beasts, the list goes on. Can you really consider yourself a true fan if you haven’t unlocked every single Floo Flame in the game?

For reference, here’s a list of all collectibles in Hogwarts Legacy. Knock yourself out:

Collectibles Number
Tools 10
Enemies 69
Revelio Pages 150
Beasts 13
Traits 75
Wand Handles 42
Conjurations 140
Ingredients 16
Brooms 13
Floo Flames 83
Merlin Trials 95
Balloons 32
Demiguise Statues 30
Cairn Dungeons 13
Appearances 89
Collection Chests 155
Ancient Magic Hotspots 20
Astronomy Tables 14
Landing Platforms 20

Reach the Max Level Cap

gear screen in hogwarts legacy
Image Source: WB Games via Twinfinite

Finally, the max level cap in Hogwarts Legacy is 40. If you’ve been attempting to do every side quest and challenge in the game, you should reach the cap naturally as you play. That said, no character build in this game is complete without hitting level 40, and since you likely won’t hit it just by playing through the story, why not make this an endgame goal as well?

That does it for all the things you should do after beating Hogwarts Legacy. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.

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