Bing tests new “Notebook” interface for Copilot: live prompt results

Mikhail Parakhin, Microsoft’s CEO of Advertising and Web Services, revealed via Twitter that Bing is experimenting with a new “Notebook” interface for Copilot, its AI research and writing assistant.

The Notebook interface addresses a common pain point for Copilot users: prompt refinement. Traditionally, fine-tuning a prompt meant starting over and losing valuable context. With Notebook, users can easily iterate on their prompts in a side-by-side format. Simply change the prompt on the left, and Bing’s Copilot will instantly update the results on the right.

Notebook also remembers past versions of prompts, allowing users to revert to a previous iteration or ask Copilot to make specific changes based on past history. This makes it easier to experiment and find the perfect wording to get the best results from Copilot.

Parakhin confirmed that the Notebook interface is not exclusive to enterprise users, potentially making it available to everyone.

One more thing: we are also starting to flight the Notebook interface. Keep changing the prompt on the left, get results on the right. Easier to copy and work on the prompt. It also remembers the previous version, so you can ask to change something.

— Mikhail Parakhin (@MParakhin) December 5, 2023

Parakhin’s screenshot shows the Notebook section alongside “search” and “chat” on the Bing website. Users could potentially summarize complex research papers, brainstorm creative writing ideas, or translate languages – all within the Notebook interface, seamlessly refining prompts as they go.

It’s important to note that this is still an experimental feature, and its availability and functionality may change as Bing continues development. However, the initial indications are positive, and Notebook could be a valuable addition to Copilot’s capabilities.