Google tests emoji reactions for hotel photos in local search results

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If you press and hold a message on WhatsApp, Instagram, or even iMessage, a list of 4-6 emojis/reactions appears on your screen that you can use to respond to that particular message.

Google is currently testing a similar feature for hotel photos in local search results, allowing users to react with emojis. This could help Google better understand the value of images uploaded to hotel listings and make local search results more engaging and interactive for users.

If the feature is widely rolled out, it could significantly impact hotel SEO. Hotels that upload high-quality photos relevant to their listings could be more likely to get positive reactions from users, boosting their rankings in local search results.

Let’s be honest; we’ve all been deceived by hotel photos that look amazing but turn out to be completely different in person. This feature might help with that.

In addition, the emoji reactions could provide valuable feedback to hotel owners about the photos most appealing to potential guests. This feedback could help hotels improve their photography strategies and make their listings more attractive.

I hope this feature doesn’t stay limited to the hotel listings. But overall, testing emoji reactions for hotel photos in local search results is a positive development that could benefit both users and hotels.