'Hearthstone' Lead Developer Answers Call From Reddit, Raps About 'Journey To Un'Goro'

Every Hearthstone expansion has been announced with a catchy song and trailer. From the inspirational melodies of The Grand Tournament to the West Side Story -inspired The Mean Streets Of Gadgetzan, fans have been treated to really catchy tunes that will be stuck in their heads when pre-ordering 50 packs. Things were a little different for Journey To Un’Goro , which was announced on Monday with a normal trailer.

Fans had come to expect a song from Blizzard and took to reddit to voice their complaints. A top post on the site caught Hearthstone lead developer Ben Brode’s eye. Either because Brode loves the community or maybe because he’s just a straight up madman, he actually sang a song about Un’Goro. The post quickly rose to the top of the front page of reddit, with thousands of fans flocking to watch a grown, bearded giant rap about dinosaurs.

journey to ungoro How I imagine Ben Brode in front of his computer looked.

There’s already been a cut of the rap imposed over the Journey To Un’Goro trailer, because why not? The song was sped up 1.5 times to make Brode’s flow sound slightly better. Brode almost sounds like a real rapper with flow that fresh, I’d listen to a whole Hearthstone rap album.

I love to see the people working behind the scenes on video games step into the public eye and interact with their fans. Sometimes these efforts can backfire, like for League of Legends developer Ghostcrawler who said he received death threats over patch changes, but other times we get awesome events like this.

The internet will always remember this, Mr. Brode. I hope fans sing these lyrics back to you at Blizzcon for years to come.
