How to accelerate the Dock animation speed using Terminal on macOS

By default, the Dock on macOS has relatively slow hide/show animations. Here’s how to accelerate its speed using Terminal on your Mac.

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If you recently invested in a new Mac, you may have noticed that you can change the size and position of the Dock on macOS. One Dock customization includes the ability to automatically hide and show the Dock based on your cursor’s location. This allows you to get rid of the Dock when you don’t need it and take advantage of the added screen real estate.

However, the show/hide Dock animations are pretty slow by default. This means that you would need to keep the cursor position at the bottom or side of the screen for a few milliseconds before the Dock appears. Fortunately, you can accelerate the show/hide animation speed. However, the process isn’t straightforward, and you will have to depend on the Terminal app. If you’re not sure how to get it done, follow the steps we’ve detailed below.

Accelerating the Dock animation speed using Terminal on Mac

  1. Launch the built-in Terminal app on your Mac.
  2. If you’d like to completely disable the Dock’s animation when it appears, copy and paste this command into Terminal: defaults write autohide-time-modifier -int 0;killall Dock. Hit Enter on your keyboard.
  3. Alternatively, you could accelerate the animation instead of removing it altogether through this command: defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0.15;killall Dock. Hit Enter on your keyboard.
  4. If you dislike both solutions, then you can revert to the default Dock animation speed through this command: defaults delete autohide-time-modifier;killall Dock. Hit Enter on your keyboard.
    Terminal command to tweak dock animation speed on macOS

As you can see, accelerating or even disabling the Dock’s animation is a simple task. All you have to do is paste the relevant command into the Terminal app, then hit the Enter button on your keyboard. This makes it even faster to multitask on your Mac, such as the MacBook Pro (2023), as you don’t have to wait too long for the Dock to appear when switching between different apps.