How to Add App Shortcut Icons to the Desktop in Ubuntu 23.04


Want to send your application shortcut icons onto desktop, so you can click them to launch the corresponding apps? This simple tutorial is going to show you how to do the job in Ubuntu 23.04.

1. Firstly, launch Ubuntu Software. Then use it to search and install the “Extension Manager” app.

Install Extension Manager in Ubuntu 22.04+

In case Ubuntu Software does not work for you, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal and run command to install it:

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-manager

2. Once installed, press Super (the Windows logo) key on keyboard to open ‘Activities’ overview screen. Then search for and launch the ‘Extension Manager’ application.

3. When the tool opens, navigate to ‘Browse‘ tab. Search for and click install “Add to Desktop” extension.

The extension at the moment does NOT support GNOME 44 (Ubuntu 23.04). In the case, open ‘☰’ menu and enable “Show Unsupported”. Finally, click on “Unsupported” button to install the ‘Add to Desktop’ extension anyway.

4. This step is only required when ‘Add to Desktop‘ has not been updated with your system support.

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal, then paste the command below and run to disable extension version validataion:

gsettings set disable-extension-version-validation true

5. Next, log out and back in. Re-launch “Extension Manager” and make sure the “Add to Desktop” extension is enabled under ‘Installed’ tab.

6. Finally, click on ‘Activities’ button on top-bar to open overview. Search for your desired application, right-click on its icon and use “Add to Desktop” menu option to pin it into the desktop.

Do the last operation repeatedly for all your favorite applications and enjoy!

Original Article