How to change your brightness and volume in iOS 11

This is how you can change your iPhone or iPads brightness and volume using Control Center in iOS 11.

When iOS 11 arrives for consumers later this year, it will come packed with a number of changes and new features, including a major design update for Control Center. Aside from a complete visual overhaul, Control Center has also made some changes to its controls, including brightness and volume, both of which now support 3D Touch on the iPhone 6s or newer.

Here’s how you will control brightness and volume in Control Center in iOS 11.

How to change your brightness in Control Center in iOS 11

Basic brightness control is in Control Center is as simple as ever.

  1. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to activate Control Center.
  2. Slide a finger up or down on the brightness slider to change the brightness.

If you want finer control over brightness

If you want to adjust brightness in smaller increments or control Night Shift, you can press and hold or use 3D Touch on the brightness slider.

  1. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to activate Control Center.
  2. Press firmly (on iPhone 6s or later) or press and hold on the brightness slider to expand it.

  3. Slide a finger up or down on the brightness slider to change the brightness of the display.
  4. Tap the Night Shift button to turn Night Shift on or off.

How to change your volume in Control Center in iOS 11

As with brightness, controlling the volume in Control Center in iOS 11 remains simple

  1. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to activate Control Center.
  2. Slide a finger up or down on the volume slider to change the brightness.

If you want finer control over volume

Pressing and holding or using 3D Touch on the volume slider will let you adjust volume in smaller increments.

  1. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to activate Control Center.
  2. Press firmly (on iPhone 6s or later) or press and hold on the volume slider to expand it.
  3. Slide a finger up or down on the volume slider to change the brightness of the display.
