How to Unlock All Characters in Vampire Survivors: Emergency Meeting


unlock all characters vampire survivors emergency meeting

Screenshot by Gamepur

The Vampire Survivors: Emergency Meeting DLC adds a handful of new characters for players to unlock and experience. However, they’re not simple to find, and they’re even harder to master, which is why players must pay close attention to the new map.

Unlocking items and characters in Vampire Survivors has always been a mixed bag. Some characters are simple to unlock, requiring players to locate their coffin and nothing more, while others are locked behind secret doors that no one could even guess the location of. Emergency Meeting adds many new characters, all of which must be unlocked through specific means in the Polus Replica map.

The table below shows every new character in Vampire Survivors: Emergency Meeting and how players can unlock them. We’ve been as specific as possible with the requirements, so players must stick as closely as possible to what’s outlined if they want to get every character quickly.

This table is a work in progress and will be added to as we discover how to unlock more characters.

Character How to Unlock Them Tips to Unlock This Character
Crewmate Dino
Gains stat bonuses every time anyone’s weapon is brought to max level.
Find and open the Coffin in Polus Replica. polus-replica-coffin-in-vampire-survivors-emergency-meeting
The Coffin in Polus Replica is located in the center of the bottom of the map. Players must head south from the starting position on the map and move between the buildings. When they find a snowy patch, they need to head left or right until they find a spot between two snowy areas. The Coffin is inside a fenced area that they can slip into between pieces of fencing.
Engineer Gino
Evolve the Sharp Tongue. TBA
Ghost Lino
Can’t be damaged or deal damage, but disappears after reaching the current Time Limit. Ignores walls.
Evolve the Lifeline Scan. Players can pick up the Lifeline Scan in any run on the Polus Replica map from the science station in the top right-hand corner. to evolve it, players must upgrade both it and the Ghost item from the map to their highest levels. Then, players must pick up a chest to complete the evolution to the Paranormal Scan item.
Shapeshifter Nino
Evolve the Science Rocks. TBA
Guardian Pina
Defeat 1 enemy with Ghost Lino. TBA
Impostor Rina
Evolve the Report! TBA
Scientist Mina
Evolve the Lucky Swipe. TBA
Defeat a total of 6,000 suspicious looking enemies. The suspicious-looking enemies players must kill are Imposters. They’re usually dark green and look like a Crewmate, but they have tentacles spewing out of them.
Megalo Impostor Rina
Defeat 100,000 enemies in a single run with Impostor Rina. TBA