Install File Shredder To Permanently Delete Files In Linux Ubuntu

Download file shredder for Linux and file eraser for Linux Ubuntu to permanently delete files in Linux. Using file shredder you can permanently delete files from laptop hard drive.

On Linux operating systems, shred is to overwrite a file to hide its contents and delete it. In simple words, shred overwrites the files and can optionally be deleted in such a way that it is very difficult to recover by any third party application.

Install File Shredder on Linux Ubuntu

Raider is a simple shredding program built for the GNOME desktop. Raider, also known as File Shredder, is a simple shredding program built for the GNOME desktop. It uses a program from the GNU Core Utilities package, included on every Linux distribution, called shred. Raider supports all the options that shred supports.

File Shredder is a simple application used for securely deleting your files that you do not want to be recovered. File Shredder has a comprehensive set of preferences and progress tracking for each file.

Run the following terminal commands to install file shredder on Linux Ubuntu Systems:

sudo apt install flatpak
flatpak install
flatpak run com.github.ADBeveridge.Raider

Once installed, open it from Ubuntu applications.

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