Category: Internet Marketing

Latest digital marketing and ecommerce insight,marketing strategies such as blogging,advertising, online video, podcasting, outsourcing, social media marketing and more.

How Conversion Data Improves Google Ads Automation

Google’s shift to automated ad management continues. Many of my articles address how advertisers can use that automation while maintaining a level of control. What advertisers often overlook, however, is conversion tracking. Google knows to show an ad to a searcher who types in the targeted …

How to Perfect Your SEO for Higher Conversions

The two most effective and popular digital marketing techniques of today’s time are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). When you run a business, it’s no use of focusing on either just SEO or CRO. Instead, you should include both SEO and CRO …

SEO: Using Wayback Machine, Google Cache

Search engine optimization tools come and go. But two have been around for decades and remain essential and free: Wayback Machine and Google cache. Both take recurring snapshots of billions of web pages and allow anyone to view the images. Those images are handy for general …

20 Platforms to Sell Digital Products

Creators and merchants have multiple options for selling digital goods such as ebooks, courses, and software. Here is a list of ecommerce platforms to sell digital goods. There are tools to sell digital items, platforms for offering courses and subscriptions, and advanced services for digital rights …

How to Calculate Your SEO ROI Using Google Analytics

  Measuring SEO return on investment (ROI) involves two factors: KPIs (key performance indicators) and the cost of your current SEO campaigns. Tracking these key metrics monthly enables you to tweak and optimize your strategy, as well as make educated business decisions. To get the most …

How to Use the If Function in Google Sheets

One of the most valuable functions in Google Sheets is the “IF” functions. Imagine you want to be able to quickly scan your spreadsheet and answer some key questions. This function will help you do that. Let’s jump into how it works and see some real-life …

10 Do-it-yourself SEO Tips to Save Money

Search engine optimization does not require a professional. Companies with small-to-medium websites and an SEO-friendly content management system or ecommerce platform can do much of the work in-house. Here are my top 10 do-it-yourself SEO tips. 1. Research Keywords Keyword research has dual benefits. First, by …