Microsoft is planning an ‘Advanced Windows Settings’ panel for Windows power users

Tired of Windows 11’s default options? Check out these mock-ups for an Advanced Windows Settings panel and have your voice heard.

Someone using a laptop with Windows.

Microsoft has added lots of new features to Windows 11 over the past year, but it still has some that it’s working on in the pipeline. Microsoft has just revealed that it’s working on an ‘Advanced Windows Settings’ panel that lets users take more control over the operating system, and best of all, you can have a say on how it looks.

Microsoft’s new Advanced Windows Settings panel

As posted on the Microsoft GitHub page (via Neowin), Microsoft showed off some proof-of-concept images of the new Advanced Windows Settings panel. Microsoft made it clear that this wasn’t meant to supersede the default Windows Settings panel; instead, it’s designed to give advanced users more control over how their operating system works.

The mockup image for the Advanced Windows menu
Image Credit: Microsoft

The company posted this list of goals as to what it wants to achieve with this new panel:

– Give developers more control over their system settings and advanced behaviors

– Help developers discover powerful settings that can improve their daily workflows & improve machine performance

– Create a uniform UI experience for managing/customizing new developer experiences on Windows (e.g. Native File Explorer + Version Control integration) so we can rapidly iterate on new features/customizations

– Work with the developer community to identify additional settings that are helpful to populate in the tool

– Can be easily scripted and re-applied to new and/or existing machines

If you have any feedback on the new design, Microsoft welcomes you to comment on the GitHub thread and make your voice heard. It seems like the Redmond giant wants to make this new feature a hit with Windows 11 power users, so getting their opinion on the feature during the design stage is very important.

If the menu does make it into release, there’s a good chance it will only arrive on Windows 11. As such, if you’re still stuck on an older operating system, now might be a good time to upgrade to a newer Windows-based laptop for developers.