The End is Nigh review

The End is Nigh has quite the trailer. Presented as a fourth wall-breaking Let’s Play video about a blob named Ash (voiced by Red Letter Media’s Rich Evans) playing through a minimalist pixelated platformer called The End is Nigh, all seems well with the affable Ash …

Intel Releases Graphics Driver 15.46 for Windows

With last week’s release of Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Two, Intel has released their Graphics Driver 15.46 to provide launch support, as well as bugfixes, feature updates, Computer Vision and AI application development support, and support for Windows 10 Creator’s Update features. The driver is …

Splatoon 2 review

A couple of years back, there was a struggle to place a label on the original Splatoon. Was Nintendo’s colourful Wii U exclusive a shooter or wasn’t it? I came away perfectly content with the answer that it was simply a Nintendo game, in the very …

China Extends Messaging App Block To WhatsApp

Internet censorship in China is extreme and about to get worse. Chinese citizens don’t have access to popular apps and services like Gmail and Facebook because they are blocked by the government; the same government that has enforced strict compliance rules for apps and services to …

Black the Fall review

An individual escapes his fate in an oppressive dystopia, moving across a landscape defined by monolithic yet crumbling industry: train yards, ironworks, storm drains and sinister research labs. The machine seems to produce nothing but grinds on, using people like meat. It’s all stained concrete and …