Tag: install

How to Install Netbeans on Ubuntu and Other Linux

In this tutorial, you’ll learn various ways to install Netbeans IDE on Ubuntu and other Linux distributions. NetBeans is an open source integrated development environment that comes with good cross-platform support. This tool has been recognized by the Java and C/C++ development community widely. The development …

Install Audacious Through Terminal In Ubuntu Linux

Audacious 4.0 released with latest feature. Here is how to install Audacious through terminal in Ubuntu Linux. Audacious music player for Linux Ubuntu comes with great features. Audacious Audacious is an open source audio player. A descendant of XMMS, Audacious plays your music how you want …

DeadBeeF Music Player 1.8.3 Released [Howto Install]

DeaDBeeF music player 1.8.3 was released a day ago as the third bugfix update for 1.8 series. The new release fixed CD Text reading issue, added more title formatting functions & value, added option to start deadbeef hidden / minimized to tray, and added detecting and …