Tag: media

8 Social Media Tools You Need to Use in 2019

You already know how important social media is to increase brand awareness, generate more leads, and ultimately score more conversions. The world is on social media — 45 percent of it, at least — so if you want your product, service, and mission to reach the …

Essential Social Media Metrics for Content Marketing

Social media can drive visits to a company’s web pages. Google Analytics has a built-in report for tracking how much traffic your site receives from social media networks. Social media sites can be powerful tools for distributing content and driving engagement. But, like much of marketing, …

Top 10 Best Linux Media Server Software

Did someone tell you that Linux is just for programmers? That is so wrong! You have got a lot of great tools for digital artists, writers and musicians. We have covered such tools in the past. Today it’s going to be slightly different. Instead of creating …

4 Best Wireless Remotes for Linux Media Center

Whether you’re using a Raspberry Pi 4 running LibreELEC, a Pi 3 running OSMC, or an Ubuntu desktop computer running a Kodi session, you’ll no doubt want to get a wireless remote control to make things easier. However, not every wireless remote will work with Linux, …

77 Essential Social Media Marketing Statistics for 2020

Social media is everywhere. For many people, social media is used daily for entertainment, socialization, and even news consumption — myself included. Additionally, over the last two decades, it has risen as one of the primary marketing channels. With over 40% of the world’s population on …