There’s a Crysis Remastered Trilogy coming

After a tease on Twitter last week, it’s now official that there are more Crysis remasters coming for both Crysis 2 and Crysis 3.

Announced in a swanky looking teaser trailer the Crysis Remastered Trilogy will be available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and even the Nintendo Switch. Backwards compatibility will also bring the Crysis Remastered Trilogy to next-gen consoles.

Throughout the teaser trailer, all the games look incredible, if that was any doubt given how good they looked already, on top of what the first Crysis remaster achieved. Being “optimized for next-gen” in partnership with Saber Interactive, hopefully, the remasters will all hold together as well as looking good.

The question remains of course, whether the Crysis trilogy actually needed a remaster, as they’ve always been a benchmark for graphical quality even long after their release. Can it run Crysis is a question for a reason after all.

Needed or not, you’ll be able to pick up the games either individually, or as part of the trilogy remaster, in case you already own the first remaster already.

The trailer currently slates the Crysis Remastered Trilogy as “coming soon” but it is expected to arrive in Fall 2021 with potential Epic Games Store exclusivity

If you do want to pick up the first Crysis Remaster, it’s currently on sale in the Epic Games Mega Sale at 50% off, so you can pick it up for £13.99.

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