Top 20 best-selling phones in the world of all time

An interesting rating has appeared on the network, which reflects the statistics of the best-selling phones in history. The official statistics of manufacturing companies was taken as a basis.

Nokia 1100

Nokia 1100

The leaders of the top 20 rating were devices manufactured by Nokia. The Nokia 1100 has the highest sales volume ever, with 250 million units sold throughout its existence. Second place went to Nokia 1110 with 248 million units. Third and fourth were the iPhone 6 and Nokia 105 with 224 million and 200 million units, respectively. Rounding out the top five best-selling smartphones is the iPhone 6S with 174 million sales.

The top ten also included the iPhone 5S, Nokia 3210, iPhone 7, iPhone 11 and Nokia 6600, which ranked sixth through tenth respectively. However, smartphones from other manufacturers also appeared on the list, including Samsung E1100 in 13th place and Motorola V3 in 16th position.

Source: 4PDA