Firefox Send lets you upload & encrypt & share large files online using any browser


Sending the big sized attachments has always been an issue. Email server has their own limitations about the attachment sizes and thus we have to use some third party applications or services to send our large files.

While we already have many cloud hosting and file sharing services and applications available over the web, Mozilla adds a new one to the list. The popular web browser maker Firefox has recently launched a new website ‘Send’ which makes it really easy to send the large files. This is, however, a different kind of file sharing service because here the files disappear once downloaded, inspired by Snapchat and Instagram Stories supposedly. This means the service is particularly designed for quick file sharing service between two persons and not for a long term storing or cloud hosting purpose.

Firefox Send

‘Send’, the website is launched as a Test Pilot for now but is open and accessible for all. Despite the fact that the website is designed and launched by Mozilla, it works on every popular browser. So, Firefox Send now lets you share your huge files right from your web browser, no matter which browser you are using.

Encrypt & share large files online

Head over to the website and upload the file you want to share. You can upload a file up to 1GB of size.

Firefox Send

Once uploaded, the website gives you a shareable link. Send this link to anyone you want to share the file with. Make sure the receiver downloads the files before 24 hours because the file will disappear after that. Also, the link will disappear if any one of you download it.

The download link, however, disappears but the original file remains unharmed.

As per Mozilla, the Send website is launched at stage 3 which official is termed as a Test Pilot Project. Thus, it means the company is all set to roll out the service officially. The service, for now, is launched in Test Pilot mode so that users can play around with it and see if there are any bugs to be fixed.

So if you have some large size files to be shared, head over to and start sharing.
