Category: Internet Marketing

Latest digital marketing and ecommerce insight,marketing strategies such as blogging,advertising, online video, podcasting, outsourcing, social media marketing and more.

A five-step framework for effective keyword targeting in 2020

30-second summary: Proper optimization is about comprehensive basics, not the “secret tricks”. The most important basic tactic to get right is keyword targeting. First, you need to know where in the sales funnel your clients are. Then, you use the best-matching and most valuable keywords targeting …

Study: Comparing the data from 8 SEO tools

Have you ever had a client (or boss) that called out discrepancies between the SEO tools you use? As an SEO, it’s tough to have that conversation. Nobody likes to hear, “Well, these tools all measure things in different ways and are never 100% … yada …

How to Implement & Succeed With Marketing Automation

Emails. Social media posts. PPC campaigns. Wait — another email. Don’t miss that new lead that just downloaded your online course! The life of a marketer or business owner is busy. Your brain is constantly swirling with ideas, which doesn’t help you get to the bottom …

The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads [Examples]

If you’re considering spending any amount of money on ads to reach your target audience, you’d better spend it in the right place. That is, somewhere with over 259 million unique visitors and 4.8 billion daily interactions. Somewhere like … Google. Google Ads was launched just …