Is the Oculus Rift Worth it Right Now? A Short Review | VR Gaming 

Is the Oculus Rift Worth it Right Now? A Short Review | VR Gaming

VR Gaming Has Gotten A Lot Better in Recent Years

Oculus Rift S

VR gaming has definitely evolved throughout the years and it has turned into a truly amazing experience. When VR first came out it was simply a gimmick and for the average user it wasn’t worth it as it had very few games but now if you have been following the news you most likely know that VR gaming has gotten stronger and now has a strong and large game library that makes VR somewhat worth it. Now, that was the short answer so, here is the long answer.

Game Libary

As already stated, VR gaming didn’t have a good game library at the start but now that more developers large and small have gotten involved in VR Gaming, the platform has many amazing games available which mean that you have enough to not get bored. There are popular games such as Arizona Sunshine and Beat Saber but also less popular games that are equally as good. Nowadays some large developers have started to get involved as well. Bethesda has released many games for VR and they haven’t been received that well but, in my experience, it wasn’t that bad. Right now, the VR game library has a lot of content from shooters to puzzle games.

Beat Saber

If you right now want to get into VR gaming, it’s a really good time as the game library has gotten very strong and fun. VR feels different. Before getting into VR gaming and watching YouTube videos I didn’t think that VR games will actually be that fun but, after getting my headset I realized that VR gaming is very different than normal PC gaming. VR games might not seem that entertaining through YouTube but, seeing the world of Skyrim in VR was certainly much better than the normal game.

Hardware and Price

Right now a VR ready gaming PC isn’t as expensive as it was a while back when VR headsets started coming out. Right now if you head over to Amazon you can pick up a VR ready gaming PC for as low as $600! This means that if you are looking to get into VR gaming, the PC itself would not cost nearly as much as it would have a few years back.

Oculus Rift

Now, let’s talk about the Oculus Rift it self. The Oculus Rift definitely has the best price in the market right now as you can pick it up used for around $300 on Facebook Marketplace but, it might be hard to find so you may want to get the Rift S. There aren’t many differences between the Rift and Rift S but, if you don’t care about the extra $100 the Rift S is worth it as set up takes basically no time compared to the original Oculus Rift and it has very little hassle. Also, if you pick up the Oculus Rift S through Microsoft and you are a student you can get a decent discount and save yourself some money. Now, there is also the Oculus Quest but, it’s not that comparable to the Rift as it’s running on a smartphone CPU.