Microsoft’s upcoming DirectSR Super Resolution feature will work with Intel, NVIDIA and AMD GPUs

Early this week, we reported that Microsoft is planning to launch a new DirectX capability called DirectSR at the 2024 Game Developers Conference (GDC) event in San Francisco next month. SR denotes Super Resolution, a cutting-edge technique that increases the resolution and visual quality in games. DirectSR will make it easier than ever for game devs to scale super resolution support across Windows devices.

Right now, if a game developer wants to support super resolution for a game, they have to make changes to support NVIDIA DLSS Super Resolution, AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution, and Intel XeSS. The new DirectSR from Microsoft will enable developers to take advantage of NVIDIA DLSS Super Resolution, AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution, and Intel XeSS with a common set of inputs and outputs. Yes, a single code path can activate the feature on different GPUs.

DirectSR is the missing link developers have been waiting for when approaching SR integration, providing a smoother, more efficient experience that scales across hardware.

DirectSR will be available as part of the Agility SDK in the coming weeks. As per GDC 2024’s schedule, Microsoft’s DirectSR session takes place on March 21, between 12:45 am and 1:45 pm. Microsoft’s folks over at the DirectX team will be giving a presentation packed with exciting reveals.