Samsung Announces a Bespoke Event to Unveil a “New Vision for Every Home”

A street full of homes at night.

Samsung is really getting into Bespoke Appliances, and it started with Bespoke Refrigerators. As its name suggests, you can customize a Bespoke Refrigerator to match your home’s look. Samsung will unveil a full vision for Bespoke Appliances on May 11th.

Exactly what Samsung will unveil is unclear at the moment. It already showed off refrigerator designs that fit a number of spaces and an even greater number of styles and looks. Presumably, Samsung may show other appliances with similar styling options, but its early promises sound grander. “Samsung Digital Appliances welcomes you to experience a new way of home living.”

An invitation poster welcoming all to a virtual event.

Samsung will host the event digitally on its site on May 11th, 10:00 a.m. Eastern time. We’ll be on hand (virtually) to learn more, and will let you what the company announces.

Source: Samsung