Category: Internet Marketing

Latest digital marketing and ecommerce insight,marketing strategies such as blogging,advertising, online video, podcasting, outsourcing, social media marketing and more.

How to Wrap Text in Google Sheets

Do you sigh internally when you open a cluttered and chaotic spreadsheet? Same. Spreadsheets can be complex to navigate — even for experienced pros — and an unformatted one just worsens things. But there’s an easy way to spruce things up a bit — wrapping text. …

How & When to Use Generative AI [+Tools to Consider]

When ChatGPT came on the scene last year, it changed the entire artificial intelligence industry. This generative AI tool produces answers to almost any question it’s asked. And it’s already considered one of the best chatbots ever created. Generative AI is the newest form of artificial …

The Top 15 AI Tools for Marketers

In the summer of 1968, audiences everywhere were shocked by the sights and visions presented in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kubrick’s cinematic opus featured technologies that seemed, well, extremely far-fetched at the time. Taking center stage was an artificial intelligence known as HAL 9000. …

How to Use Arrays in Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a powerful tool for managing and analyzing data, but as your spreadsheets become more complex, you may need more advanced tools to perform calculations and analysis. Arrays are one such feature. This function in Google Sheets allows you to perform complex calculations across …

10 AI Tools to Streamline Your Social Media Strategy

As algorithms and trends evolve, managing social platforms effectively has become one of the biggest challenges for marketers. Fortunately, social media AI tools have emerged as powerful solutions that can streamline the process and enhance overall performance. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 10 …

How to Use vlookup in Google Sheets

vlookup is a powerful tool that allows users to search for specific data in a large dataset. Whether you’re a business owner or simply someone who works with data, mastering the vlookup function can save you time and help you make more informed decisions.   You …

The 17 Best Marketing Automation Tools Available to You

A majority of businesses use marketing automation tools nowadays — in fact, studies cite around 56% of businesses currently use the technology, and that number continues to grow. While marketing automation software can help companies increase efficiency by streamlining their workflows, there are so many options …

16 AI SEO Tools and How to Use AI in 2023 [New Data]

Optimizing your content to rank high in search engines can be tedious, especially when there are many factors to consider. Page load times, keywords, content quality, and videos are all things that can affect SEO. Fortunately, AI SEO tools are available to streamline SEO optimization and …

Testing 7 AI Logo Generators

Creating a logo used to be a nightmare. I remember brainstorming a concept and then emailing back and forth with a designer to obtain a satisfying result. Artificial intelligence is making the process easier. This post recaps my test of seven AI logo generators. 7 AI …

Analyzing Bing’s Keyword Research Tool

Bing Webmaster Tools contains helpful search-engine-optimization features that few folks are aware of. One is the Keyword Research tool, which provides a lot of helpful data for free. Here’s my analysis. Long-tail Keywords Extending a keyword with modifiers is why search optimizers turn to keyword research. …